Gunter Fuchs, at that time still a technical salesman and consultant in a related industrial company, was
able to convince his wife Claudia Fuchs to become self-employed and found their own company in the
field of gastronomy. The idea ignited and the couple Fuchs was henceforth together in action. First, they
secured the distribution of scoops, bottle holders and counter stands. In the course of the business
development, the spouts were added. This created the foundation for an own, successful product line for
BOTTLE MASTER. For many products, design protection was applied for, because Fuchs revised and
improved patent-free products.

Shortly afterwards, salesmen and specialised trade consultants were hired for the gastronomy trade and
Fuchs established itself as an innovative specialised trade partner with a professional assortment, which
was permanently developed and further developed. The distribution was at that time still in separate
rooms on the private estate in Offenbach am Main, but the storage was completed externally.

Thomas Fuchs, son of the founding family, accompanied this young, ambitious corporation. His main
focus was on sale, product development and marketing.

Further developments on a semiautomatic bottle pourer and the start of the series production of the FIXPourer.

Development of another own brand called Delfin, a glass washer system, that quickly reached a high
market acceptance, due to its patented application technology.

Start of the series production DELFIN Glasswasher-Systems.

Completion of the new KEG-Cleaning brushes with ergonomic handle.

New development and the start of production of a new generation of drip trays.

The corporation flourishes. The company can be proud of its annual sale increases. Meanwhile, the
product range has expanded considerably. The previous warehouse management and the associated
commercial administration needed space. The company moved to Mühlheim am Main where it has
established logistics and administration to ensure smooth warehousing with fast shipping. A
corresponding computerised ERP system was the cornerstone for the commercial administration.
Development of new sales documents, a specialised trade display was produced for the product range,
which meanwhile had grown to three product areas HYGIENE, BOTTLE MASTER and COCKTAIL, and new
packaging systems were (realisiert). By participating in relevant trade fairs in the beverage industry, Fuchs
has expanded its lead over the relevant competition and is now well on the way to become the market
The business relationships have also stabilised in other European countries and therefore, it is not a
surprise that all product packaging will be provided in the future with a 9-language product declaration -
in the spirit of customer-friendliness and customer focus.

New product presentation.
The corporation invests in new product packaging and in a new shelving system.
The complete range is presented even more modern and sales-promoting. The presentation stands out
and is convincing.
After the introduction, the success gets noticed by a significant increase in sales. The customers of Fuchs
can only confirm that.

Further development of products like champagne buckets and its production in Germany.

Reworking on the successful DELFIN tap pump. Through exact observation of the usage behaviour, the
operability got further developed.

DELFIN Gläserspüler, BOTTLE-MASTER und SPIRIT-MASTER sind eingtragene Warenzeichen der Fuchs Gastronomiebedarf GmbH.
© Copyright 2025 Fuchs Gastronomiebedarf GmbH
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